real world examples of best methods to use agency’s features
real world examples of best methods to use agency’s features
add multiple color palettes, possibly with an option to swap out variable values on the frontend to enable things like dark mode switching
preview of the font size settings would be helpful when setting up sizing and also when selecting a font size variable while editing the page
it would be especially awesome if this could reload the generated CSS file without reloading the entire page after changing a value
make each top level color work more like a folder – leave the possibility to allow autogenerated derivatives like shade and opacity but allow custom hex/rgba also
example: if I have var(–primary__theme) defined, I’d like to be able to make primary__cta = primary__theme. This way if I change primary__theme color, the primary__cta will change automatically.
the plugin should store generated CSS somewhere like the wp uploads folder to stop overwriting other sites files
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